I am getting alot of negative comments on Revamps moddb regarding our style and direction. I saw a user comment and basically said we are not going in our own style and direction.
Well let me tell you, we think through everything we do. Before a weapon is modeled, we think through the design, how it will impact the game, how it will function, etc.
I think game variants through as well to see if they will fit and work as I would like. I have also lain out over 3+ weapons/equipment that are brand new.
Our storyline is going to be unique with a creepy ambiance to it. It is partially written up.
We also have an alien race called the Incondites who will feature in the game, but not be seen very much.
So before you start going off that this is Just a Halo ripoff, think twice about it, and look back on all our content. All of it is custom made, and most was thought through.
If this were to be a Halo knockoff, I could easily rip the models and textures from Halo 1, easily code in Halo stuff, rip Halo maps to work in Quake, Rip sounds, etc.
It's very disrespectful to say we are not headed in our own direction and style.
where can i download your great proyect?? =D