Sunday, June 19, 2011

Gameplay tomorow!

We are planning a Revamped Community Gameplay test tomorow at 4:30 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada). The requirements to play, are Skype, an hour or 2, some decent internet speed, and Skype capabilities(Mic, or no mic is fine).

Add me on skype: Tevin.dahl. You will have the possibility to get your own copy of Revamped, and even be able to play in past Revamped 1 maps(Various maps from Solitude, to My own, to friends maps). We will be playing game types, such as Infection, Darkslayer, Slayer, and Team slayer.

If you would like to join, be available on skype at 4:30 Pacific time(US and Canada).

I hope you attend!


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