Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The games flowing

Well theres some great things going under the HUD in Augustine. We have just gotten 2 new members;
  • Lucksoar: He is working on Augustines sound track, and music you hear during gameplay. So far, hes doing a great job.
  • nightstar3tz: He is Augustines new graphics artist. He will be working on textures, skyboxes, a new HUD, etc.
Not only do we have 2 new members, but Norman is going to be on Holiday break here soon, so he can start working on animations, and Jason is back! Jasons working on redoing some of the models(yes, for the 4th time) and creating new ones.

We also started working on vehicles. Nick has taken a couple of concepts and created our new Scouting vehicle, the MSV. I will show all of this stuff in an update pretty soon.

I also coded in a couple of new things to make gameplay very dynamic and unique everytime, but I will share that with everyone in the future.

Progress is going good I must say.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Sick of the noobs

I am sick of the PSP moddb scene. Its ridiculous. You see these mods that come up and die in a week. Someone learns how to make a model in blender, and they instantly find themselves capable of making a full-fledged game.

Its disrespect to Moddb, and disrespect to Hard working developers.

I also can't stand to see people sick and ask for things, and leave nonconstructive criticism. Thats all they do is want, want, want. They don't care about developers. They don't care about people. They just want their dang Trademark games on their handheld.

They don't care about originality, they don't care about arts, they just care about their little Halo psp, or their left 4 dead portable.

Every day, I see those comments that mean nothing but greed. Every day I see games that pop up and die in a week.

With the PSP becoming easier and easier to mod, Its bringing in an un-wanted crowd of greedy little kids.

I know I used to be a psp noob, but I outgrew it all, and Its just annoying to look at now. I almost regret coming into Game developement through PSP.

Well, Augustine is not going to show on moddb anymore, and I am not saying where it will show now because I would like to attract a more mature crowd of people.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Name change

Revamped is getting a name change.

I wrote Revamps storyline up today, and the main planet is named Augustine(Mixed between me and Thomas's name). Usually the name of a game hints to some part of the background. Augustine is now officially the name.

It's quite a change, but it sounds pretty good.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Gameplay tomorow!

We are planning a Revamped Community Gameplay test tomorow at 4:30 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada). The requirements to play, are Skype, an hour or 2, some decent internet speed, and Skype capabilities(Mic, or no mic is fine).

Add me on skype: Tevin.dahl. You will have the possibility to get your own copy of Revamped, and even be able to play in past Revamped 1 maps(Various maps from Solitude, to My own, to friends maps). We will be playing game types, such as Infection, Darkslayer, Slayer, and Team slayer.

If you would like to join, be available on skype at 4:30 Pacific time(US and Canada).

I hope you attend!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

To answer all

I am getting alot of negative comments on Revamps moddb regarding our style and direction. I saw a user comment and basically said we are not going in our own style and direction.

Well let me tell you, we think through everything we do. Before a weapon is modeled, we think through the design, how it will impact the game, how it will function, etc.

I think game variants through as well to see if they will fit and work as I would like. I have also lain out over 3+ weapons/equipment that are brand new.

Our storyline is going to be unique with a creepy ambiance to it. It is partially written up.

We also have an alien race called the Incondites who will feature in the game, but not be seen very much.

So before you start going off that this is Just a Halo ripoff, think twice about it, and look back on all our content. All of it is custom made, and most was thought through.

If this were to be a Halo knockoff, I could easily rip the models and textures from Halo 1, easily code in Halo stuff, rip Halo maps to work in Quake, Rip sounds, etc.

It's very disrespectful to say we are not headed in our own direction and style.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Did some stuff

Today was pretty good for Revamped. Got a few more textures done for Boardwalk, fixed Up snowvally, and added in Glowing textures for maps and models. Glowing textures add alot to a game. I am also working on background ambience sounds to add to the feel.

Biodude joined the team and has made Revamped High quality sound effects. He is nearly done with all weapons. Sound effects also add more feel.

I also wanted to clear something up about the PSP version. It is no longer our primary target, but a port as well as the dreamcast is a port. I assume most players will play on the PC version because of its better network gameplay and Increased graphics. I too will be playing the PC build.

If I have to release the PSP revamped, I will, but it will be buggy and not that enjoyable. I almost want to just drop the PSP build.

Also, We are looking for a music composer, a graphics artist who can make Skyboxes, and some future voice actors for campaign.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Alright, breaktime is over. I spent about a week playing terraria with a couple friends all week. I'm back and working on Revamped again. I have been sparked by the aww-inspiring Halo 4 trailer.
I have a few plans now:
  • Make PC textures Double the PSP textures
  • Start campaign pretty soon
  • Start texturing Boardwalk
I would also like to note that Biodude has joined us to create all our sound effects, so if you see him, give him a hug.

I also really liked the Halo 4 trailer, it has just gave me so much inspiration on what can be done.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Revamped: Benchmark test 2 Changelog

Another benchmark test is being planned right now where you may be able to get a copy of Revamped in its alpha testing stages.

Here is the changelog from the last test:

  • [PSP] More performance improvements and CPU reduction
  •  [PSP] Took out advanced particles
  •  -Zoom [Temporarily removed]
  •  -Shotgun bugs fixed
  •  -Added snowvally map(With random season generation)
  •  -Fixed custom games code
  •  -Completed options menu
  •  -Added more custom game options
  •  -New menu cursor
  •  -Added a couple more textures in Bloodvally
  •  -Teleporters added to Bloodvally
  •  -Added more spawn points in Bloodvally
  •  -Added more player skins
  •  -Updated sniper rifle animations
  •  -Obtainable snowballs
  •  -Smoother network gameplay
  •  -Added Red/blue reticules
  •  -Added new bot conversations and names
  •  -Background menu music
  •  -New sword animations
  •  -New flag animations
  •  -Animation code bug fixes

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Gee willicurs

What a day. I spent most of it trying to improve more in the engine. I integrated more DX64 code and the framerates up to 56 now, and Other parts are reduced CPU usage quite a bit.

A new french coder has also joined our team to try and optimize the engine even more, so lets hope to see some good work come from him.

I also optimized the bot code a bit more, and so theres a little bit more speed coming from there. All in all, we are working our way up on the framerate ladder

The first day of Optimization

I am proud to say that on the first day of Me messing with VFPU, I successfully Increased the general framerate of the game by 3 and Reduced CPU usage of things like decals and particles!

There is still MUCH more to do to increase the framerate, but thats making Revamps engine much better to mod in general. But 3 frames man! That is just amazing so far.

I have a testing spot in Bloodvally where I test. I started at 52 and now I am at 55. No Quality downgrades or anything. The math is just being changed to use ASM rather than hard code.

Very good news I must say. I would also like to Thank Salvy from DX64 Because he has Helped me IMMENSLY. He has pointed me in the direction and answered all my questions and more. I have also found looking at DX64 code. Wanna know something amazing? Revamped Uses Daedalusx64 Code in parts of the engine! A nintendo 64 emulator's code is found in Revamps engine ;)