Tuesday, May 17, 2011

CTF Bots

Bots add alot to a game, and making them work is a pain. In the previous revisions of Revamped 2, I had thought that I had created a nice bot code setup for Capture the flag. Boy was I wrong.... Somehow the bots got messed up and didn't like static waypoints at all. I never knew how important Waypoints were until I noticed my bots always running in circles or running into walls constantly.

I was very happy when they would run to The opposing base in Bloodvally and get the flag, however there was a slight problem. Their Dynamic, self waypointing system didn't allow them to Return back to their own base, Thus they would Go into a corner and sit there.

Well Not only is the new CTF better, but the bots are near fully functional as well.
New CTF features:
-Flag returning(Sitting at your flag for 10 seconds to return it to your base)
-Bots Get/return the flag, using static waypoints
-Bots get Dropped flags from their teams flag carrier
-Bots Attempt to kill the opposing teams flag carrier, more-so than a regular player

-Improve Bots killing opposing player slightly
-Add Bot team flag returning(Getting to the flag to return it to your base)
-Maybe(if enough clients are in-game) a Flag defender?

Anyways, I will start posting more on my blog here about random things on Revamped I want to talk about.


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