Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Revamped: Firefight 3

Alright, so this is the last blog for Revamped Firefight. I have officially made 8 waves. If this comes to be too easy for you guys, then I will made more waves. Since Solitude has released, I can now publicly release this piece of work. And beings that Solitude hasn't released the psp version yet, this is the closest you are going to be to a psp Halo. Download link soon! Got to squish a few bugs. I will edit this post to include the download link later.

For starters, Let's take a look at the new Piece of the HUD. It now displays wave and life information. Only happens in Firefight. The menu will include a piece that shows Firefight maps.

I also included Solitudes oh-so-beautiful Player model! I re sized him to fit Revamped.
Bots are Allowed in Firefight. They help you, and the game automatically sets team play on, and if you just select add bot, It will only add a team bot. No Rivalry in Firefight, Because you all share the same lives ya know. So you would be basically killing yourself.
*HINT* If you are playing with a Bot, you may want to stick with him, and protect him. Stick in a pair, Or else the Covenant will gang up on you guys and Leech your life >: D
Lastly, I am hoping these Elites are temporary, so we can have a better framerate, with more action packed game play. The game play is pretty epic now, And The framerate is around 10-20 fps in big battles with 3 or more elites with your bot allies.

Anyways, Check up for more Updates! Download link Very soon.

EDIT: Here is a Download to Revamped! Enjoy!. It has online, but if you want to play online, You will need instructions. If you want to chat, go here:

Chat with me about features.

I can help you get online setup.

Download Halo Revamped.

Anyways, Check up for more Updates! Download link Very soon.


  1. Looks awesome,it's amazing how fast you work! Can't wait to play! Will this have ad-hoc?

  2. Yes, There is Ad-hoc, and as of now: Online.

  3. Gonna be playing this later, looking forward to it. Quick question tho, why is there a z a h n s g a m e s.txt file in there? Im sure it has no effect on the game, but its weird.
